
About events, probabilities and random variables.

In this article, we will discuss events, probabilities, and random variables. It also describes conditional probabilities, Bayes' theorem, and expected values and variances.

Derivation of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and example calculation using python

Correlation coefficients are often used as a method of summarizing relationships between data. There are different types of correlation coefficients, and one is called a rank correlation coefficient, which is used in cases where only the order of the data is known. In this article, I will focus on Spearman's rank correlation coefficient in particular, and describe its derivation and examples of calculations using python.

【Multivariate Data】 Scatter Plots and Correlation Coefficients

In this article, I will discuss scatter plots and scatter plot matrices as a basic way to handle multivariate data, and correlation coefficients, rank correlation coefficients, and variance-covariance matrices as a method of summarization.

How To Handle Univariate Data Histograms and Box Plots

This article describes how to create summary statistics such as mean and variance, histograms and box-and-whisker plots to visually capture characteristics of univariate data. The program used is described in python, which you can try in Google Colab below.

ROC Curve and AUR, Implementation with Python

The ROC curve uses TPR (true positive rate (= recall)) and FPR (false positive rate). This article explains the ROC curve and AUR and provides a python implementation.

【Python】Fill In Data With Intervals Between Dates And Times In Pandas.

This section describes how to fill in data intervals for data that are separated by intervals of time. To fill in the interval between dates and times, use the asfreq function in pandas.

【Python】Creating A List Of Consecutive Dates And Times In Pandas.

This section describes how to create a list of consecutive dates and times in python. The policy is to use the pandas date_range function.

Classification Evaluation Indicators: Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F-measure

The course will explain the confusion matrix to visualize the classification results and the classification evaluation indices such as Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F-measure

Implementation Of K-means Method, Elbow Method, Silhouette Analysis

This article describes how the k-means method works and how it is implemented. In addition, the k-means method requires that the number of clusters to be classified be given in advance, and the elbow method and silhouette analysis are introduced as methods for determining the optimal number of clusters.

How to install and use labelImg

The tool labelImg makes it easy to create training image datasets for object detection, such as YOLO. This article describes how to install and use labelImg.