

ROC Curve and AUR, Implementation with Python

The ROC curve uses TPR (true positive rate (= recall)) and FPR (false positive rate). This article explains the ROC curve and AUR and provides a python implementation.

Classification Evaluation Indicators: Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F-measure

The course will explain the confusion matrix to visualize the classification results and the classification evaluation indices such as Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F-measure

Implementation Of K-means Method, Elbow Method, Silhouette Analysis

This article describes how the k-means method works and how it is implemented. In addition, the k-means method requires that the number of clusters to be classified be given in advance, and the elbow method and silhouette analysis are introduced as methods for determining the optimal number of clusters.

How to install and use labelImg

The tool labelImg makes it easy to create training image datasets for object detection, such as YOLO. This article describes how to install and use labelImg.

【Google Colab】How to do object detection and learning with YOLO v5

In this article, we will use Python to perform object detection. Object detection is a technique for detecting what is in an image and where it is in the image. In this article, we will run "YOLO v5" on Google Colab, which makes it easy to try such object detection.

【ImageDataGenerator】Data Augmentation Of Training Images In Keras

This article describes how to use keras' ImageDataGenerator to extend data.

Theory And Implementation Of Multiple Regression Analysis

This article covers multiple regression analysis to model the relationship between multiple explanatory and objective variables and the derivation of a normal equation for the regression coefficient. It will also include a full-scratch Python and scikit-learn implementation.

Theory And Implementation Of Least Squares Method

We will introduce the theory of linear regression, which has a long history in machine learning, especially the least-squares method, and its implementation using python and scikit-learn.

Support Vector Machine (SVM) Implementation In Python

Implement a hard-margin support vector machine with full scratch and scikit-learn. In this section, we will implement the machine using Python.

Theory of Support Vector Machines (SVM)

The theory of Hard Margin Support Vector Machines (SVMs) is explained in an easy-to-understand manner.SVMs are a type of supervised machine learning algorithm for pattern identification. It is an excellent two-class classification algorithm with the idea of "maximizing margins."